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Won't You Be My Neighbor!

Mr. Rogers told us to be good neighbors and at ODM we're totally on board. Lots of excellent new breweries have opened in SF over the last year and we're excited to feature a bunch of them so you can taste the goods all in one place! We'll be featuring fresh kegs from our friends at:

* Barebottle - Doom Bloom (Northeast style *triple* IPA!)
* Ferment Drink Repeat - English Brown Porter on Raspberries
* Old Bus Tavern - Wookie's Delight IIPA
* Black Sands - Citra SMaSH IPA
* Laughing Monk - Coffee & Cream

Also, the good folks from Old Bus Tavern & Black Sands will be on hand to hang out and meet the drinking public!

P.S. Don't forget, our other 15 handles will be pouring all the sloppy seconds from the previous nights, too. Oh yeah, we also do cocktails plus great NOLA-influenced po boys, hush puppies, and bread pudding. Yum!