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F*ck Beer / Spiritous Sunday

Aren't you sick of beer yet? We're definitely ready for a cocktail...maybe even a fancy beer cocktail or paired boilermaker. It's SPIRITOUS SUNDAY at ODM, y'all!

We're comfortable saying that ODM is one of the best, if not the very best, beer bar in SF that also has the hard stuff. So why not come in for some whisky, rum, or whatever tickles your fancy? We'll be whipping up special beer cocktails (and not just the b.s. kind where Pilsner replaces soda water), our regular fancy cocktails, and we'll be giving folks a sneak peak of our paired boilermaker menu that we will be releasing in the near future. 

On top of all that, loads of insanely great beer left from half a dozen events all week will still be on draft (the sloppy seconds continue!). So whether you are or are not sick of beer yet, we've got you very much covered.

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